API Reference

Payment Objects

A Payment Object represents an incoming payment to your wallet from another wallet or external source, or an outgoing payment from you wallet to another wallet or external source.

When creating a Payment Object the sending account (the payer) must be either your Split wallet or your Treasury wallet. The receiving account (the payee) can either be your Treasury wallet, a Vendor wallet or an External Recipient. Payments to External Recipients will be made out to the IBAN specified.

For regulatory compliance reasons all Payment Objects must be signed via the ZTLment Authentication App prior to funds being processed. Newly created Payment Objects will immediately appear on the payer’s dashboard for finance approval, and after approval the payment will appear for final sign-off in the ZTLment Authenticator App.

If you are making a payment and want to provide supporting documentation please use the following endpoint Create Payment Objects with Supporting Docs.

Payment Flow here